Wholesale Proteas

Wholesale Fresh Proteas are available at our Miami Location.

The king Protea is the national flower of South Africa.  Its botanical name is cynaroides and it grows in tough environments with dry, hot summers and wet, cold winters.  Their leathery leaves help to prevent excessive loss of moisture.  Their roots system is a dense clusters of short lateral rootlets that form a mat in the soil just below the leaf litter. This characteristic will assist with the intake of nutrients, thus allowing nutrient uptake in the low-nutrient, soils of its native habitat.

There are other varieties that are very popular for flower arrangements such as Magnifica, Queen, Eximia, Longifolia and Grandiceps or Peach Protea.  Also there is the PinCushion Protea a favorite for flower design.

The worldwide popularity of the Protea has resulted in many hybrids and cultivars being produced to supply the cut flower industry.  Most of the Proteas are grown in nurseries in Israel, Australia, California and in some Central and South American countries.

Contact us to order wholesale fresh tropical proteas for your store or for your next event. We offer many different options for delivery, shipping or pick up from Miami.